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Why High-Performing Teams Shouldnā€™t Be Spread Across Multiple Projects

team dynamics Aug 16, 2024

When it comes to building high-performing teams, one of the biggest mistakes organizations can make is spreading team members across multiple projects. It might seem like a good way to get more done, but the science tells a different story. Let’s dive into why dedicating teams to a single project is the key to unlocking their full potential.

The Problem with Multi-Tasking

First, let’s talk about multi-tasking. We’ve all been there—juggling multiple tasks, trying to keep everything moving at once. It feels productive, right? But here’s the kicker: it’s actually not. Gerry Weinberg, an expert in systems thinking, found that when people switch between tasks (or projects), they lose a significant amount of time. In fact, when someone is working on five different projects, they can lose up to 80% of their time just switching between tasks. That’s a staggering amount of wasted productivity.

So, when you ask team members to support multiple projects, they’re not just dividing their attention—they’re losing a huge chunk of their productivity to context switching. And that’s not good for anyone.

The Power of Focused Teams

Now, let’s bring in Richard Hackman, a researcher who’s done extensive work on team performance. Hackman’s studies show that high-performing teams have a few key characteristics: they’re long-lived, stable, and most importantly, focused on a single mission. His 60-30-10 rule tells us that 60% of a team’s success is determined by how well the team is designed from the start.

Part of that design is making sure the team has one clear focus. When a team is dedicated to one project, they can build stronger relationships, collaborate more effectively, and really dive deep into the work. They’re not constantly shifting gears, so they can get into a flow state where the magic happens.

Why Dedicated Teams Perform Better

So, what happens when teams are dedicated to a single project? They perform better. Period. They’re more cohesive, they communicate better, and they can innovate faster because they’re not being pulled in different directions. They’re able to gel as a unit, which leads to higher levels of performance and better outcomes.

On the flip side, when teams are spread across multiple projects, it’s harder for them to develop that deep collaboration that’s necessary for high performance. They’re constantly playing catch-up, trying to keep up with the demands of different projects, and they never really get to hit their stride.

The Takeaway

If you want your teams to be high-performing, keep them focused. Dedicate them to one project at a time and resist the temptation to spread them too thin. Sure, it might seem like you’re getting more done by having them work on multiple projects, but in reality, you’re likely getting less out of them.

By keeping teams dedicated and focused, you’re setting them up for success. You’re giving them the space to build strong working relationships, develop deep expertise, and truly shine. So next time you’re tempted to ask your team to juggle multiple projects, remember the science—focused teams are high-performing teams.

The research is clear: multi-tasking and splitting teams across multiple projects isn’t the way to go if you’re aiming for high performance. Dedicated, focused teams are where the real magic happens. So, design your teams for success—give them one mission, one focus, and watch them soar.

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